There are many free email account solutions available right now
If you do not have an e-mail address, you can set one up in seconds by clicking any of the links shown in the link box on this page.
By simply entering some basic details such as country, date of birth and password, you're setup and ready to go. You may have to check your preferred name against the providers database but this won't take long. We advise members to stick to your first name as closely as possible and a number that is significant to you. This helps to keep it personal. Try to keep your e-mail and own name as closely related as possible.
In addition to e-mail, many of these FREE services have add on features and information.
They key email options are:
- MSN/Hot mail
- Yahoo
- Gmail (new from Google)
If you have any problems please email us on the link above, we would be delighted to be of assistance to you.