Walk into your local bank and complete your Premium upgrade from there
Nearly all banks can now conduct world bank transfers in developed countries and many developing countries. This facility also applies to members who wish to pay securely and who are based in Thailand. While there are fees associated with this payment option, it is very secure and relatively fast way of effecting payment. Some banks will require you to have an account with them while others do not. Here's how it works:
- Select Pay by Bank transfer. This limits your Premium package to three months and higher beacuse of the nature of the payment option.
- Set up your Pay by Bank Transfer payment by inutting your address and details.
- On the information page, you can print out the details required to make your international bank transfer including our bank account number and bank swiftcode. You can print this page but your will receive detailed payment instructions in an e-mail sent to your account e-mail externally. Print this and bring it to the bank when making payment.
- When your bank has processed your payment and you have paid the trabsferred amount plus the fee, you will receive a receipt or confirmation.
- Use the bank transaction number or reference number to confirm your bank transfer payme nt on ThaiLoveLines.com.
- Go to payments information where you will see the pending payment listed.
- Confirm the payment by entering the dateof transfer, reference number and confirm the reference number for security.
- We will await and track your payment through our banks payment section. Once received we will complete your upgrade to Premium and you will be notified.
Please note the following:
- We advise that your upgrade for a minimum of six months using this payment method although you can opt for three months if that is your wish.
- There will be a bank fee associated with this transfer with most banks.
- All bank transfers should be complete within 5 working days. Please keep your bank receipt until your payment has been completed and your Premium upgrade confirmed.
- You will receive a receipt by e-mail from our parent company AtlanticThai Internet Co. Ltd.
If you require an guidance or assistance with this or any aspect of our services, please contact us at anytime 24 hrs a day. ThaiLoveLines.com Support Desk (Click here) or e-mail support@thailovelines.com