Uploading your photo is easy if you have a .jpg photo file
The following is a quick online guide for uploading a photo to your profile. You need a jpg photograph. This should not be more than 500Kb in memory size. This photo should be on your PC. Ideally on your desktop. If your photo is too large simply downsize it using any photo editing tool. If you have a problem doing this, please email us. We would be happy to assist.
Follow the illustrations shown here as you go through the process:
- Go to Manage Photos from your Members Control Centre. Access the display as shown in Pic 1.
- Click the browse button and go to the jpg file on your PC. Click it and press Add Picture.
- Press Upload when you have come to the next box.
- Here you can adjust the slider to fit the photo or crop it to the preferred size on ThaiLoveLines.com.
- When the photo is ideal, click Crop.
- You will see your photo on the next box. Press Save.
- Now you will see the new photo alongside any other photos you have. You may have 4 photos. Click update.
If you have any particular issue or problem please let us know by clicking on the email link above.
Photos are critical to making this online dating experience fun, enjoyable and ultimately rewarding. We look forward to seeing you online! If you find you cannot upload your photo please send your hard copy photo to:
5/312 C3 Building
Muang Thong Thani
Kingdom of Thailand