Begin dating with thousands of attractive Thai Singles
Make a Date allows you to set a date, time and mode of communication to meet online with attractive Thai singles that you may want to meet and chat with on ThaiLoveLines.com. Simply click the Make a Date icon on the member's profile and you will find yourself in the Make a Date facility.
Here you can set the invitation to chat. The other member receives an e-mail and either accepts or declines. You will receive a response by e-mail.
Remember that with Make a Date, your external e-mail should be correctly entered so that you can receive responses from Thai singles. You should also check that your e-mails from ThaiLoveLines.com are not filtered.
How Make a Date works In summary:
- Icon is found on the member's profile.
- The other member will be e-mailed.
- Set the date and time to be online.
- Set the chat facility you wish to use.
- You wait for an accept or decline
- Be online at the time chosen.
This is a Premium Service while Standard Membership is FREE allowing you an unlimited period of time to test the response to your profile on Thailand's largest dating site. As a Standard member, you can still receive date invitations and respond to them but you cannot initiate them.
Premium Membership allows you to take the process further and commences at only $19.99 with very attractive volume discounts for longer periods.