/* * It is of critical importance that this file is referenced inside the tag of every page * on your site. For example: * * * * * !!! WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU LEAVE up_bDoPresence TO true AND TO IMPLEMENT THE CODE IN ALL php * PAGES IN THIS FOLDER !!! * * Set up_bDoPresence to false if you have your own presence detection and will check for pending WM * windows and call up_launchWM on your own. If so, you will need to call up_launchWM for every * pending WM window every time the user changes pages. Also, you will need to implement the logic * in the wmWindowOpened.php page to let you know when requests have been denied and also when windows * have successfully popped up */ var up_bDoPresence = true; /* * If you have up_bDoPresence set to true, this is how often (in seconds) we will connect to your * server via wmLauncher.php or win_ie_pd.php */ //yoes jan 27 2010 //this one is for IM windows var up_iCheckSeconds = 10; //this one will be for 'update member status' var up_iCheckSeconds_members = 10; // PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE ANY CODE BELOW THIS LINE var userplane_path = 'http://www.thailovelines.com/userplane'; function up_launchWM( userID, destinationUserID, destinationName, destinationImage ) { up_localUserID = userID; var popupWindowTest = null; popupWindowTest = window.open( "http://www.thailovelines.com/chatlines/pre_load.php?from="+ userID +"&strDestinationUserID=" + destinationUserID, "WMWindow_" + up_replaceAlpha(userID) + "_" + up_replaceAlpha(destinationUserID), "width=360,height=397,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,status=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1" ); if( popupWindowTest == null ) { up_showWMNotify( userID, destinationUserID, destinationName, destinationImage ); } else { up_clearWMNotify( destinationUserID, false ); } } function up_launchWM_free( userID, destinationUserID, destinationName, destinationImage ) { up_localUserID = userID; var popupWindowTest = null; popupWindowTest = window.open( "http://www.thailovelines.com/chatlines/pre_load.php?from="+ userID +"&strDestinationUserID=" + destinationUserID, "WMWindow_" + up_replaceAlpha(userID) + "_" + up_replaceAlpha(destinationUserID), "width=360,height=397,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,status=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1" ); if( popupWindowTest == null ) { up_showWMNotify( userID, destinationUserID, destinationName, destinationImage ); } else { up_clearWMNotify( destinationUserID, false ); } } function up_showWMNotify( userID, destinationUserID, destinationName, destinationImage ) { up_localUserID = userID; var bAdd = true; for( var i = 0 ; i < up_launchArray.length ; i++ ) { if( up_launchArray[i].destID == destinationUserID ) { if( destinationName != undefined ) { up_launchArray[i].destName = "" + destinationName + ""; } bAdd = false; } } destinationName = destinationName == undefined ? "A website member" : "" + destinationName + ""; if( bAdd ) { var userObj = new Object(); userObj.destID = destinationUserID; userObj.destName = destinationName; userObj.destImage = destinationImage; up_launchArray.push( userObj ); } up_showNotification(); } function up_clearWMNotify( clearDestID, bForceClear ) { var tempArray = up_launchArray; up_launchArray = new Array(); var bRemoved = false; while( tempArray.length > 0 ) { var userObj = tempArray.pop(); if( userObj.destID != clearDestID ) { up_launchArray.push( userObj ); } else { bRemoved = true; } } if( bRemoved || !bForceClear ) { if( bForceClear ) { frames['up_wmReject'].location.href = userplane_path + "/cmd.php?strDestinationUserID=" + clearDestID + "&refresh=" + Math.floor( Math.random() * 100000000000 ); } frames['up_wmLauncher'].location.href = userplane_path + "/wmWindowOpened.php?destinationUserID=" + clearDestID + "&doPresence=" + ( up_bDoPresence && !up_is_win_ie ? "true" : "false" ) + "&forceClear=" + ( bForceClear ? "true" : "false" ) + "&iRefreshInterval=" + up_iCheckSeconds_members + "&refresh=" + Math.floor( Math.random() * 100000000000 ); } up_showNotification(); } function up_showNotification() { var elem = document.getElementById( "up_wmNotifications" ); if( up_launchArray.length > 0 ) { if( up_displayedNotificationID != up_launchArray[0].destID ) { elem.innerHTML = '
' + ( up_is_win_ie ? '' : '
' ) + '
    Chat Lines Alert
      ' + up_launchArray[0].destName + ' (' + up_launchArray[0].destID + ') is trying to contact you through Chat Lines.Do you want to accept?
' + ( up_is_win_ie ? '' : '
' ) + '
'; up_displayedNotificationID = up_launchArray[0].destID; up_animate( 30 ); } } else { up_displayedNotificationID = ""; up_animate( -200 ); } } function up_animate( iWhereTo ) { var elem = document.getElementById( "up_wmNotifications" ); if( up_iDivCurrentY != iWhereTo || up_launchArray.length > 0 ) { if( up_iDivCurrentY != iWhereTo ) { up_iDivCurrentY += iWhereTo < up_iDivCurrentY ? -10 : 10; } var px = up_iDivCurrentY + document.body.scrollTop + 'px'; elem.style.top = px; clearTimeout( up_animate_timeoutID ); up_animate_timeoutID = setTimeout( "up_animate(" + iWhereTo + ")", 33 ); } else { elem.style.top = iWhereTo; } } function up_replaceAlpha( strIn ) { var strOut = ""; for( var i = 0 ; i < strIn.length ; i++ ) { var cChar = strIn.charAt(i); if( ( cChar >= 'A' && cChar <= 'Z' ) || ( cChar >= 'a' && cChar <= 'z' ) || ( cChar >= '0' && cChar <= '9' ) ) { strOut += cChar; } else { strOut += "_"; } } return strOut; } function refreshMembersIE(){ up_wmCheckImage_members = new Image(); up_wmCheckImage_members.onLoad = up_onImageLoad_members(); up_wmCheckImage_members.src = userplane_path + "/wmUpdateMembers_ie.php?refresh=" + Math.floor( Math.random() * 100000000000 ); } function up_checkWM() { if( up_is_win_ie ) { up_wmCheckImage = new Image(); up_wmCheckImage.onLoad = up_onImageLoad(); up_wmCheckImage.src = userplane_path + "/win_ie_pd_split.php?refresh=" + Math.floor( Math.random() * 100000000000 ); clearTimeout( up_checkWM_timeoutID ); up_checkWM_timeoutID = setTimeout("up_checkWM()", 1000 * up_iCheckSeconds); clearTimeout( up_checkWM_timeoutID_members ); up_checkWM_timeoutID_members = setTimeout("refreshMembersIE()", 1000 * up_iCheckSeconds_members); } else { frames['up_wmLauncher'].location.href = userplane_path + "/wmLauncher_split.php?iRefreshInterval=" + up_iCheckSeconds + "&refresh=" + Math.floor( Math.random() * 100000000000 ); frames['up_wmMembers'].location.href = userplane_path + "/wmUpdateMembers.php?iRefreshInterval=" + up_iCheckSeconds_members + "&refresh=" + Math.floor( Math.random() * 100000000000 ); } } function up_onImageLoad() { if (!up_wmCheckImage.complete) { clearTimeout( up_onImageLoad_timeoutID ); up_onImageLoad_timeoutID = setTimeout("up_onImageLoad()", 250); } else { if( up_wmCheckImage.height == 2 ) { frames['up_wmLauncher'].location.href = userplane_path + "/wmLauncher_split.php?iRefreshInterval=0&refresh=" + Math.floor( Math.random() * 100000000000 ); frames['up_wmMembers'].location.href = userplane_path + "/wmUpdateMembers.php?iRefreshInterval=0&refresh=" + Math.floor( Math.random() * 100000000000 ); } else { //alert( "Nothing to launch" ); } clearTimeout( up_checkWM_timeoutID ); up_checkWM_timeoutID = setTimeout("up_checkWM()", 1000 * up_iCheckSeconds); } } //////////////// function up_onImageLoad_members() { if (!up_wmCheckImage_members.complete) { clearTimeout( up_onImageLoad_timeoutID_members ); up_onImageLoad_timeoutID_members = setTimeout("up_onImageLoad_members()", 250); } else { clearTimeout( up_checkWM_timeoutID_members ); up_checkWM_timeoutID_members = setTimeout("up_checkWM()", 1000 * up_iCheckSeconds_members); } } document.write( '' ); document.write( '' ); document.write( '' ); document.write( '' ); document.write( '
' ); var up_iDivCurrentY = -200; var up_launchArray = new Array(); var up_localUserID = ""; var up_displayedNotificationID = ""; //added var for ie members update var up_wmCheckImage = null; var up_wmCheckImage_members = null; var up_checkWM_timeoutID = null; var up_checkWM_timeoutID_members = null; var up_onImageLoad_timeoutID = null; var up_onImageLoad_timeoutID_members = null; var up_animate_timeoutID = null; var up_animate_timeoutID_members = null; // determine if is Windows IE (up_is_win_ie) var up_agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var up_appVer = navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase(); var up_is_mac = up_agt.indexOf('mac') != -1; var up_is_safari = up_agt.indexOf('safari') != -1 && up_is_mac; var up_is_khtml = up_is_safari || up_agt.indexOf('konqueror') != -1; var up_is_ie = up_appVer.indexOf('msie') != -1 && up_agt.indexOf("opera") == -1 && !up_is_khtml; var up_is_win = up_is_mac ? false : (up_agt.indexOf("win") != -1 || up_agt.indexOf("16bit") != -1); var up_is_win_ie = up_is_win && up_is_ie; if( up_bDoPresence ) { up_checkWM(); }