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Tip a Friend
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Share the Love, introduce your friends to great people

Know a friend who is lonely? Send them a life changing tip. Or ask you friends opinion on the special people you are meeting.

ThaiLoveLines is a great dating site where lives are changed daily by finding new frinends and maybe even that speacial one. If you know any friends who are lonely and feel like letting them know about great potential partners or frineds online, use Tip a Friend and let the power of Love do the rest! Also use this facility to involve a friend of yours in your online search.

Here's how Tip a Friend works:

  • Click the Tip a Friend icon and on the profile or perosn you would like to introcuce to your friend or ask your friend.
  • You can also use this faclity to ask your friends opinion about some of the friends you've met online
  • Your friends will receive an e-mail with your tip and letting them know your Member Id and number. You will also receive a copy of the e-mail so that you can chat with them later.
  • Don't forget you can also invite your friend to join ThaiLoveLines and your social network and they will automatically be added to your social network. Please see our social nnetwork help section.
  • Please only send a tip to genuine friends or people you know are searching for love right now. Our system limits abuse of this system.

We recommend usage of this facility in a resposible manner but please try to think of some people who could do with a little more life in their life. It's also fun to have some close friends with you in the search for love online! Support Desk (Click here) or e-mail

(Above) An e-mail will be sent to your friend letting them know about the special person online you want to let them know about.