Members Control Centre extended match and response view for Premium users online
When you login as a Premium member on ThaiLoveLines you will see photos of the latest three matches and those who viewed your profile in an extended Members Control Centre view.
Don't forget that you can still view your Match listings and Who viewed your profile as a Standard member by clicking these options or going to your Match Centre.
As a Premium users, use this facility to improve your online dating campaign by:
- Noting if you see blank photos and creating more activity and engagement. A message when you click the blank photos will assist you on how to do this.
- Click the photos to view the profiles and send a response such as a Flirt, email of Hi message. Remember each action or communication penetrates a chain reaction and increases the profile of your account online.
Follow up Matches and those who viewed your profile
Introduce yourself to all users who have taken the time to view your dating profile online. The Who Viewed my Profile link is on your Members Control Centre. Try to be open minded when doing this. Our advise is always to not be too selective too early. be open to new introductions.
Similarly follow up on Matches that the system has made for you with our Standard Matchmaking system which you will find in your Match List. You can also follow up on those who have Rated your through Meet your Match from our Match Centre.
Tips to keep getting discouraged
Our dating and social networking site is not simply a listing. You must be active. Here are some tips to avoid being discouraged at the start:
- Remember very user here wants to find love and friendship, so reach out.
- Be polite and respond to every contact. You will help generate a positive atmosphere for your self and others.
- If you like western pop music, tune into TLL's online music radio with non stop Hitz from Bangkok and 24 hour international world news. This is part of the AtlanticThai network.
- Practice how to communicate with Thai speaking users online if you're from outside Thailand. Find out how our auto translation facility works and break down the language barrier. You'll find it very rewarding. Similarly if you're a Thai language speaking member, learn how the auto translate facility works on ThaiLoveLines bit also have some good English phrases ready. Again don't be afraid of the language barrier.
Resolve to make more connections when you're online each time
Make each dating session on TLL a time for making more connections so that your contact list is expanding and you will be on your way to meeting that special one person or perhaps a good group of friends. Please feel free to contact us for further advise or assistance on your important Thai Love Lines mission.
Premium membership starts at $19.99 for one month, $9.99 for three months, $69.99 for six months and $119.99 for twelve months.
As well as all major credit cards and debit cards, you can pay by Western Union, PayPal, ATM, Bank transfer or even Cash!
Our Premium Membership is a once off transaction. There is no repeat billing! Support Desk (Click here) or e-mail |