Now you don't need a credit card. And it's easy as well as secure to do.
Many members now use Western Union's network of offices throughout the world to upgrade to Premium Membership within a few hours from virtually anywhere. This payment option has proved surprisingly popular and efficient for members who do not have a credit card or would rather not use a credit card online. Here's how it works:
- Select Western Union as your payment option on our upgrade page. For this payment option the minimum period is three months or $39.99.
- Input the details required to send money through the Western Union network to our nominee on the Western Union payments page.
- Insert your details. Your payment instructions and details can then be printed online and you will also receive an e-mail to your e-mail address with payment instructions and the information required to send your payment at any Western Union office worldwide.
- When you have made your payment, your receipt will include a Money Order Control Number. Keep this and your receipt details in order to confirm your payment on
- Select Payments Information. You will see your pending Western Union payment listed. Input in the Money Order Control Number and the exact amount sent to confirm your payment.
- Your payment will be processed and your account should be upgraded within 72 hrs if not sooner.
Please note the following:
- Your payment is made in your local currency. This will be shown on your Western Union Payments page
- You will receive a receipt for your payment from AtlanticThai Internet Co. Ltd., our parent company.
- Your upgrade to Premium Membership will be confirmed by e-mail.
- There are thousands of Western Union offices around the world, so this is a universal payment option.
If you require any further information or clarification, please contact us. Support Desk (Click here) or e-mail