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Pay by Western Union
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Now you don't need a credit card. And it's easy as well as secure to do.

Many members now use Western Union's network of offices throughout the world to upgrade to Premium Membership within a few hours from virtually anywhere. This payment option has proved surprisingly popular and efficient for members who do not have a credit card or would rather not use a credit card online. Here's how it works:

  1. Select Western Union as your payment option on our upgrade page. For this payment option the minimum period is three months or $39.99.
  2. Input the details required to send money through the Western Union network to our nominee on the Western Union payments page.
  3. Insert your details. Your payment instructions and details can then be printed online and you will also receive an e-mail to your e-mail address with payment instructions and the information required to send your payment at any Western Union office worldwide.
  4. When you have made your payment, your receipt will include a Money Order Control Number. Keep this and your receipt details in order to confirm your payment on
  5. Select Payments Information. You will see your pending Western Union payment listed. Input in the Money Order Control Number and the exact amount sent to confirm your payment.
  6. Your payment will be processed and your account should be upgraded within 72 hrs if not sooner.

Please note the following:

  • Your payment is made in your local currency. This will be shown on your Western Union Payments page
  • You will receive a receipt for your payment from AtlanticThai Internet Co. Ltd., our parent company.
  • Your upgrade to Premium Membership will be confirmed by e-mail.
  • There are thousands of Western Union offices around the world, so this is a universal payment option.

If you require any further information or clarification, please contact us. Support Desk (Click here) or e-mail


(Above)Our support staff are available 24hrs a day & days a week to deal with your queries.(Below) When you upgrade, you get unlimited access to our growing database and facilities.
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